Thursday, December 28, 2006

6 Precious Princess's Take the Escalade

What do you get when you put 6 Jewish Princess's in a big black Escalade on the way to the Winery's in Santa Barbara? You get a Princess Party!! We had the best time on 3 hours drive leaving my Ignore line on the entire trip. I thought it would be totally bitchin to let some lonely nerds pay for our tastings at all the winerys. Dipshit danny called and sat for an hour listening in as we sat and talked about guys and singing the entire Dreamgirls on my new ipod from some other putz online. Ohhh how humiliating it is to be passed around on the day before xmas by a bunch of totally hot girlys. Who knew so many losers liked to pay to listen in and pay for my fun. My life is so totally rad!

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