Saturday, October 14, 2006

Letter of Adoration from Chris my Adorable Goy Toy

My Jewish Goddess,
I have been doing my homework, as you commanded. Look what I found out about the word "shiksa".
Shiksa and Shaygetz are the Yiddish derivative of the respectivefeminine and masculine Hebrew words for something unclean, dirty. Theappellations are customarily applied to gentiles who do thingsinimical to Jewish interests, such as vandalizing Jewish buildings,robbing Jewish kids of their lunch money, or becoming romanticallyinvolved with Jews :-). The root is "sheketz", which refers to houserodents and lizards. They impart ritual impurity, and therefore theterm lends itself to the same kind of idea.
So now I know what you are really saying about my wife when you call her a "shiksa" my Jewish Goddess!! :-) But you might also want to call her a "nafka":
Nafka: a loose woman, a tart, a slut, a whore. Although it means the same as "koorvah," it's generally less severe. A "koorvah" probably does it for money and is more a "professional," whereas a nafka might do it just for fun or for psychologicial or emotionally needy reasons (i.e. she thinks it will make her popular.)
So there we go. I was a little disappointed to learn that "goy" really doesn't have a negative implication. I'm sure there must be some words that would contain such an implication. But I still like "goy" because it is definitely deragotory when you say it - I can hear the derision in your voice when you say it, my Jewish Princess!
Your devoted goyboy,

*Additional email*

My Jewish Goddess,

I know your time is valuable, and I promise this is the last email today. But I came across this and HAD to show you this my Princess. This is amazing!

Would you believe there is a deragotory term in Yiddish that exactly describes a goyboy loser slave like me who worships his Jewish Goddess? You know how we are always saying I belong on my knees, kissing or licking your superior Jewish ass? Well check it out, this is from a Yiddish dictionary I found on-line:

Toochis Lecher: (remember, the CH is gutteral!) vulgar. Literally, ass-licker, or ass-kisser. Often abbreviated to the less offensive, T.L.

Amazing, no? You know anyone that phrase applies to? (LOL) Well, that's it for my homework today Princess. My shiksa wife has some chores for me to do. Till we meet again, my ineffable Jewish Goddess....


Wanna be one of my Goy toys?

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Friday, October 13, 2006

A brand new toy for ME! Camel lights

Oh what a compliment I recieved today. I got a call (which I'm currently still on as my dork waits for me to compose this) At this moment we have been on 2 hours and 18 min and 58 seconds. The caller addressed himself as Dork in Riverside. Later I come to find he's a Camel Jockey after my little glitter Jewish heart.
He called me and told me he got inspired by one of my fave shows Weeds and the sexy beautiful Yael the hot Jewish Domme. I Love her! He tells me he is a Palestian. EWWW Like a Jewess like me would ever? He's been trying to convince me that he should come have a date with me. LIKE AS IF! He claims he fucked a Jewish girl and fisted her and now he has this fetish for the Jewess. I told him to fuck himself I don't do sand niglets or camel jockys ! GRODY 2 THE MAX!
My dork is currently singing a song to me and telling me what a freak he is. (no freaking kidding)
Did I mention he seems to be smoking up poor mans cocaine (meth) like its going out of style. Of course I'm the gonna milk him for everything he has today ! $$$$$$$$$